Home Comfort with a Heat Pump – Heating, AC & Dehumidification

Here’s a few quick notes from the video

  • Heat pumps create a very even and comfortable heat in your home while costing you less money
  • The heating and air conditioning modes of a heat pump are the exact same process just in reverse of each other
  • Heat pumps circulate the air in the room they are installed and passes that air over a coil that either warms the air or extracts heat and humidity from the air
  • There is no air transferred from outside to inside with a heat pump
  • The fan inside a heat pump somewhat resembles an old style push lawn mover blade (cylinder like)
  • The heat from a heat pump “wraps” you to keep an even temperature through out the room which increases comfort
  • Often homeowners find they can actually reduce the temperature in their home with a heat pump and actually feel warmer

Book a Risk FREE in-home assessment with one of our Home Energy Specialists today by calling (902) 461-0600 or submitting to the form at the bottom of this page.

Assessments take 30-40 minutes and allow us to determine:

  • Is you home a good fit for a heat pump?
  • What sized heat pump is best for your home?
  • Can your electrical service handle a heat pump
  • How much could you potentially save?
  • What it will cost to install a heat pump in your home

for renewable energy solutions

FREE Assessments take approximately 30 minutes. After your appointment, you will know your best options for cutting heating costs and maintaining comfort in your home.

You can also book free in-home assessments online here: BOOK AN ASSESSMENT

If you require service and repair please fill out the request form below. We will contact you to book an appointment. 

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