What is a Ductless Mini Split Heat Pump?

Ductless mini-split heat pumps work a little differently than conventional sources of home heating. They don’t create heat, they actually move it from one place to another — in this case, they move heat from outside the house to the indoors. Heat naturally moves from areas of high heat to areas of lower temperature. The heat pump uses a compressor to reverse this process.

Outdoor Compressor To Indoor Condenser

The compressor is mounted outside the house, either on a stand, or to the house itself. The unit captures ambient heat in the air, pumps it through a refrigerant, after which it is routed to an indoor condenser unit. Modern units can extract heat from the air at temperatures as low as -15 to -20, though the lower the temperature goes, the less heat is captured.

Indoor condenser units deliver captured heat into the room and use a fan to blow it around. The heat from a heat pump is unique, enveloping those in the room in comfortable warmth. Many find that they can lower their preferred room temperature when using a heat pump because the circulation effect increases comfort.

Pay To Capture Heat, Not To Create It

When using a heat pump, you’re not paying for energy that is being created, you’re paying to capture existing heat. That’s why many find that installation of heat pump results in lower utility bills. More energy efficient heat can go a long way to making the purchase of a heat pump worth it.

Heat Pumps Are Affordable And Easy To Install

Heat pumps are easily installed in homes of all kinds, and units are very affordable. The average cost of a unit to be around $3000 – $3500, though the figure can vary depending on your home’s needs. The best way to determine whether a heat pump is right for you is to schedule an in-home consultation with one of our home heating experts.

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FREE Assessments take approximately 30 minutes. After your appointment, you will know your best options for cutting heating costs and maintaining comfort in your home.

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